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Resources You Should Know!

We've dedicated this page to the wonderful agencies in our community that are able to provide many different services. If you are unable to find something that meets your needs, please reach out to us! 


If there is an organization that you think we are missing, or if you would like to add your own organization to our page, please send us a message through our contact form on the home page!

American Red Cross

1806 Cove Ave, La Grande, OR


Disaster relief, Armed Forces emergency services, First-Aid, CPR, water safety training, disaster preparedness, blood donor program coordination.

Center for Human Development (CHD)

2301 Cove Ave, La Grande OR 

Main Office: 541-962-8800

The CHD provides immunizations, Veteran's services, birth/death certificates up to six months after event, TB state supplied treatment at no charge, STI exams, HIV testing, case management, diabetes help, family planning, mental health treatment, addiction services, and home visits for high-risk pregnancies and young children.

The options below are available when you call:

Option 1: Appointment scheduling of Behavioral and Public Health Services

Option 2: Developemental Disabilities Services

Option 3: Babies First and CaCoon Home Visiting Services

Option 4: Veterans Services

Option 5: WIC Services

Option 6: Crisis Services (24 hour hotline)

Option 7: Para servicio en espanol, oprima el numera siete

Option 8: Questions about Covid-19, Testing, and Contact Tracing

Insurance and Billing Questions: 541-962-8898

Department of Human Services (DHS)

1607 Gekeler Ln, La Grande, OR

Self-Sufficiency: 541-963-4113

Child Welfare: 541-963-8571

Seniors & People with Disabilities: 541-963-7276

DHS provides medical assistance, food stamps, SNAP, services for seniors and/or disabled folks that have limited income and resources. They also provide abuse investigations, child protection, foster care, adoptions, parent training, family counseling, sex abuse treatment, drug and alcohol treatment referrals, and many other services.

Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living

322 SW 3rd St, Pendleton, OR

Voice: 541-276-1037 Toll-free: 1-877-711-1037


EOCIL provides disability resources, crisis & emergency services, HIV services, LGBTQIA+ & 2Spirit services, among many other things.

Neighbors Together Ministries

10700 S Walton Rd, La Grande, OR


They provide limited assistance for emergency lodging, motel assistance, and firewood needs, when funds are available. 

Northeast Oregon Housing Authority (NEOHA)

2608 May Lane, La Grande, OR


NEOHA provides quality and affordable housing programs to low-income familes/individuals. Their programs include Low Rent, Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Family Self-Sufficiency, Home Ownership, Transitional Housing, and programs for housing those with mental health issues.

Social Security Administrative Office

2205 Cove Ave, La Grande, OR

National Number: 800-772-1213

Office: 888-810-7611

TTY: 800-325-0778

Social Security provides retirement, disability, widows and widowers, children, and SSI benefits to all qualified individuals.  Services are provided in Baker, Grant, Union, and Wallowa counties.

Union County Clerk and Recorder

1001 4th St, Suite D, La Grande, OR


They provide marriage certificate, death certificates, birth certificates, passport applications, and ballots.

Work Source Oregon

1901 Adams Ave, La Grande, OR


The employment department provides local, regional, and national job listings. They also provide unemployment insurance claim filing, Veteran's placement assistance, career development and classes to help with job placement.


La Grande: 541-805-9355

Cove/Elgin/Imbler/North Powder/Union: 541-805-5092

A joint effort of Union County, Intermountain Education Services Distric, Union County School Districts, and Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. C.A.R.E is designed to help at-risk children and their families by offering them a "no wrong door" approach.

Child Care Resources & Referral

1-800-559-5878 or 541-564-6878


Care Resources & Referral (CCR&R) is a program of Umatilla Morrow Head Start, Inc. that provides free local resources to support quality care and early education. Licensed and exempt child care providers receive training, technical assistance, and support.

Community Connection of NE Oregon

Administrative Office: 2802 Adams Ave, La Grande, OR


Public Transit (Union County): 541-963-2877

Union County Senior Center: 541-963-7532

Community Connection provides transportation, energy assistance, food bank referrals, emergency funding, self-sufficiency programs,  tax prep and legal aid information, home rehab, and ownership programs.

Eastern Oregon Head Start

810 14th St, La Grande, OR 541-963-4611

Admin Office: One University Blvd, La Grande, OR Zabel Hall 114

541-786-9025 or 541-963-4611

Head Start promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children ages 3 to 5 through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services for low-income families and children with disabilities.

Food Banks Around the Area

Union County: 541-562-5531

Salvation Army (La Grande): 541-963-4829

Neighbor's Together (La Grande): 541-963-9126

Cook Memorial Library (La Grande): 541-962-1339

Cove: 541-962-0803

Elgin: 541-786-8995

North Powder: 541-898-2146

Next Step Pregnancy and Relationship Center

902 D St, La Grande, OR



Next Step provides pregnancy tests, peer counseling, parenting education, adoption education, abortion education, pre/post abortion counseling, some referral services, maternity clothes, baby clothes and items, infant care. They also have videos and books on all related subjects. All services are free and confidential.

Northeast Oregon Network (NEON)

2008 Third St, Suite A, La Grande, OR

La Grande Office: 541-624-5101

Enterprise Office (by appointment only): 541-398-2539

NEON is a nonprofit community health organization serving Union, Baker, Umatilla, Malheur, and Wallowa counties. Services include education/trainings, insurance enrollment, grant work, consulting, and many other things. NEON connects people and organizations to one another and to resources they need to meet their goals. 

Shelter From the Storm 

10901 Island Ave, La Grande OR

Office: 541-963-7226

24 Hour Crisis Line: 541-963-9261

Shelter From the Storm provides support services to victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. Their services include shelter, 24 hour crisis line, victim advocacy, peer counseling, court support, transitional housing, restraining order assistance, counseling, and support groups.

Northeast Oregon Public Transit

Public Transit Hub: 2204 E Penn Ave, La Grande, OR

Administrative Office: 2802 Adams Ave, La Grande, OR

Office: 541-963-3186

Transit Hub: 541-963-2877

Provides seniors, persons with disabilities, and the general public rides to their employment, job trainings, schools, stores, banks, doctor's offices, and more. Out of town medical appointments are available to those who qualify. 

Service to Baker City and Pendleton Monday-Friday.

Service to Wallowa County three days per week. 

Greyhound services are also available.

For a more comprehensive list of available local services and amenities, please click on the PDF file below.

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